The Evans Return to School Centre, a resource for Western Sydney schools, is an intervention for students who are on long suspension and have been identified by their school as being likely to benefit from a structured program to assist their successful return to schooling as soon as possible.
The Evans Return to School Centre aims to assist students to reflect on, and understand their behaviour and its consequences. Students work towards developing a positive attitude towards schooling and improving their capacity to engage in activities that help them re-engage at school. The centre also aims to build the capacity of schools to deal successfully with disruptive students.

About the program
The Return to School Centre is staffed by a Head Teacher and a School Learning Support Officer. It has an enrolment capacity of up to six students at a time.
The program caters for students from Western Sydney schools in the middle years of their schooling, from Years 5 to 9. Participation of students in other years may be negotiated based on student needs and placement availability.
The Head Teacher coordinating the program will aim to develop an individual plan for each student accepted into the program. Students will work with staff to participate in the centre’s social skills program and develop goals for a successful return to school. The goals set will depend on the specific issues facing the student.
In general, the program will assist to prepare the student for a successful return to school and plan for longer-term positive behaviour. Students will also have an opportunity to discuss and seek assistance for the completion of the home school's work package.
Students who attend the Return to School Centre remain the responsibility of the home school and strong links will be maintained throughout the period the student is in the Return to School Centre. Referring schools liaise with the Return to School Centre re attendance and student progress. The student's mentor teacher is invited to visit the student whilst participating in at the Return to School Program. The Head Teacher is available to work with the class teacher and/or mentor teacher to develop strategies that support the student's return to school.
Parents can receive feedback at the end of the day or book in a suitable time speak with the staff at the centre. Parents/carers are responsible for the transportation, care and safety of their children whilst on suspension.
Hours of operation
The students will attend the centre each school day from 9:30am to 11:30am. The length of student attendance will vary according to the length of the suspension and the student’s willingness to participate in the program.
The length of stay at the centre will be no longer than 20 days, in accordance with suspension regulations.
Code of conduct
The behaviour of students whilst attending the Return to School Centre must be consistent with the Department of Education policy and expectations of mainstream schools. Students will be expected to be cooperative, polite and responsible.
Cooperative means working together by doing what has been asked and expected. Examples could be completing study program, participating in social skills talks and contributing to group discussions.
Polite means showing respect for others in manner, speech and behaviour. Examples could be speaking courteously to others, looking after school property and thinking of others' right to learn and feel comfortable.
Responsible means doing the right thing without being asked because it is the right thing to do. Examples could be stay in the right place, safe interactions with others and appropriately using equipment and furniture.