Our school can help with enrolment queries throughout the year.
Local enrolment area
Check your address on School Finder to see if it is within our local intake area. Most schools have designated local enrolment areas. Note: local enrolment areas are subject to change.
How to enrol
Apply online. If you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident you are eligible to complete the online enrolment application. You will then need to finalise the application at the school.
If you are not eligible or prefer not to enrol online, use the application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) form. Please complete the form in English. A translated application to enrol may help you do this.
For more information, visit sTpe school enrolment.
For more information, visit:
Out-of-area enrolments
If your child does not live within our intake area, visit out-of-area enrolment. Out-of-area enrolment procedures are subject to the department’s enrolment policy.
If you have received an offer for an out-of-area placement, visit the online enrolment sign in page to accept or decline the offer.
Temporary visas and international students
The Temporary Residents Program has information about eligibility and the forms to complete an application.
Distance education
Distance education is an equity program for students who are geographically isolated or whose individual circumstances prevent them from regularly attending school. Students must meet one of the conditions in the Distance Education Enrolment Procedures to be eligible to access this program as a full-time student.
For more information about educational opportunities in rural areas, visit Rural and distance education.
The Return to School Centre can help with enrolment queries throughout the year. Students on long suspension are referred to the centre by their school. Further details about the program can be found in the RSC Information booklet (docx 66.5 KB).
The following forms may be used to make a student referral.
How to refer
Prior to the referral, the Principal or Deputy Principal of the referring school:
- completes the suspension procedures as per the Suspension and Expulsion of School Students Procedures
- contacts the Return to School Centre via email Evans-RSC@det.nsw.edu.au or telephone 02 9621 3622 to determine if a vacancy exists
- discusses with the Head Teacher of the Return to School Centre whether the students may benefit from the intervention provided by the Return to School Program
- nominates a staff member to be the student's mentor
Complete a referral
To make a referral, complete and email the following documents to the Return to School Centre:
- RSC application form (docx 91.5KB)
- copy of the student risk assessment
- copy of the Suspension Letter to the family
- copy of the school counsellor's Suspension Report (if available)
- a list of behaviour incidents that have occurred at school
Student enrolment
Upon receiving a student referral, the Head Teacher of the Return to School Centre will discuss the application with the centre’s panel and report the decision back to Principal or Deputy Principal. If the panel considers the Return to School Centre to be an appropriate form of intervention for the referred student, the Principal or Deputy Principal of the referring school will:
- negotiate a date and time for an entry meeting with the Head Teacher of the Return to School Centre, mentor, student and parent/carer to familiarise the student with the program, routines and expectations
- gain written approval from the parent/carers for the placement to occur. The Parent Permission Note (PDF 42 KB) must be signed before the placement commences
- advise the parent/carer that they may be contacted to collect their child if the behaviour of the student is inappropriate. If contact is not possible, the Head Teacher of the Return to School Centre will contact the home school Principal to collect the child and the student's placement at the Centre may be reconsidered
- provide an independent work package.
Program Evaluation
In order to provide the best practice possible for referring schools and students, evaluations are requested from the personnel below listed. These evaluations will be requested by the Head Teacher of the Return to School Centre, during the follow up meetings.
- Student evaluation (docx 25 KB)
- Parent evaluation (docx 24.5 KB)
- Teacher/Mentor evaluation (docx 24.5 KB)
Moving overseas
Moving overseas and need school reports authenticated for DFAT?
Email document.authentication@det.nsw.edu.au to arrange to bring original documents to 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta 2150.